The Ribosome Structure, Nobel Laureate Venki Ramakrishnan

by Samuele Lilliu | 12 June 2019

Nobel Laureate Venki Ramakrishnan reviews part of his work on the structural resolution of the ribosome.

In this interview Venki Ramakrishnan reviews part of his work on the structural resolution of the ribosome, for which he was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2009. He discusses the role that synchrotron facilities have played in unravelling the structure of the ribosome and how cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become an essential tool for structural biologists. He concludes with an overview on his current research activities at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology.

At bullaki, a digital marketing company focussing of video productions for science and engineering, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with scientific consultants and professionals from the film industry. The production of a documentary can be a complex and time-consuming process, and it is essential to ensure that the information presented is accurate and scientifically sound. One way to achieve this is by using a scientific consultant during the production process.

A scientific consultant is a subject matter expert who provides guidance and advice on the scientific content of a documentary. They can help ensure that the information presented is accurate and up-to-date, and they can also help explain complex scientific concepts in a way that is easy to understand for a general audience.

Here are some reasons why it is important to use a scientific consultant in the production of a documentary:

  • Enhance the credibility of the documentary: A scientific consultant can help ensure that the scientific information presented in the documentary is accurate and reliable. This can enhance the credibility of the documentary and help establish trust with the audience.
  • Avoid misinformation: Documentaries often cover complex and nuanced topics, and it is important to avoid spreading misinformation. A scientific consultant can help identify and correct any inaccuracies or misunderstandings in the script or storyline.
  • Provide expert perspective: A scientific consultant can provide valuable insight and perspective on the topic being covered in the documentary. They can help ensure that the information presented is balanced and fair, and they can also provide context and background information that may not be included in the final product.
  • Make complex concepts accessible: Scientific concepts can be difficult for a general audience to understand, and a scientific consultant can help explain them in a way that is easy to understand. This can help make the documentary more engaging and accessible for the audience.

In conclusion, using a scientific consultant in the production of a documentary can enhance its credibility, avoid misinformation, provide expert perspective, and make complex concepts accessible to the audience. Working with a scientific consultant can help ensure that the information presented in the documentary is accurate and scientifically sound, and it can help establish trust and credibility with the audience.